Download RAR for Android APK Free

Make you computer users would be familiar with the application of compression and archiving this one . So what about the android users ? certainly many who do not know , right? The following brief description of winrar for android ( RAR for Android , red) .

RAR for Android is the application of compression ( useful to compress files .rar , .zip , .tar , .gz , .7z , etc. ) and extrator ( useful for clicking extract archive files .rar , .zip , .tar , .gz , .7z , etc. ) simple and free also devoted to users of Android -based OS .

In addition to compress and archive , RAR for Android applications also support many of the features that we usually encounter in Winrar application on the desktop ( PC ) , namely repair features , benchmarks , and recovery record . It allows users to perform measurements or repair damaged RAR files .

This application also has support extracting air- part files ( example : part1 , part2 , part2 , etc ) directly from your favorite android phone .

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New Update v5.20 build 30:
  1. More elements of material design, also when running in pre-5.0 Android.
  2. "Remember for N minutes" option in password dialog when extracting allows to remember an entered password for specified number of minutes and apply it to all extraction commands during this time.
  3. RAR opens epub and similar files, which are zip internally, in associated app instead of displaying their contents as archive. Also RAR attempts to display icon of associated app for such files.
Download RAR for Android APK Free

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